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Check out BrainStorm, an advocacy and support group for young adults ages ages 15-29 who have been impacted by brain injury. Impacted by brain injury means a young adult who has sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), sustained a concussion (also known as a mild Traumatic Brain Injury - mTBI), has a brain injury obtained in another way, or has a partner/sibling/parent/friend who has experienced a brain injury. This group meets on Zoom the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6:30 - 8 pm EST. Learn more and refer a young person you know by clicking this link.

Young adults are also encouraged to join our Facebook group!

Contact Rachel Kaplan, Safety Net Coordinator for more information about the group and how to join!

Group of young adulst of various ages, genders, and ethnicities surrounded by a blue background that has brains and lightbulbs on it.

Did You Know?

“Did you know that excessive rest has been associated with worse symptoms and longer recovery? In the past, health professionals recommended very little stimulation. These recommendations are no longer considered standard of care. Because of the social and emotional importance of school, it is beneficial to help students gradually return to their normal routine. The new guidelines for the first week include ‘push to, not through, symptoms.’ Tolerating more and more academic and physical activity without worsening symptoms are signs of a healthy recovery.”

Kerry Sease, MD
President, South Carolina Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics